(English) GNM testimonial

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5BN Experience report on back pain as a result of an accident including a report on the consequences of the accident

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
The report is about About a client / patient of me / family member
Gender Female
Age 47 years (at the time of the symptoms / disease)
Handedness Right
Additional methods
Categories Observation of a single SBS run, e.g. one PCL phase (optionally with prediction of PCL duration)
Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...)


5BN Experience report on back pain as a result of an accident:

The initial situation was a small accident in the office: I wanted to put a correspondence folder in the top row of an office box. To do this, I quickly took the wooden chair next to it as a climbing aid (who needs a ladder for something like that, which would have had to be fetched first?!) in order to quickly and beautifully move the folder up - and I was doing so with one of my elegant ones high heels slipped; the second foot was “in the air” at the time. Ouch! I “hit” or fell on the back of the chair in the area of my upper abdomen on the right - lower ribs on the front of my body. Twice in two different places because when I slipped my legs hit the lower closed box door and fell back on the chair again - something like that! During the second impact there was a brief spasm of the diaphragm, or at least breathing stopped. I then tried to sit upright and consciously relax, to "listen to myself", to remain calm and calm and to gently try and pay attention to when breathing was possible again. This was soon the case, I estimate the total duration was less than half a minute. So much for the accident. In my opinion, nothing was broken, but there was bruises and the inner soft tissue of the abdominal muscles and peritoneum were also injured. In this area there was tension, sensation of pain in certain positions, a small swelling process inside; but nothing was visible from the outside. In contrast, two bruises on the thigh and buttocks could be seen but not felt. I decided not to go the “usual route” and not go to a doctor or hospital; This was more consistent for me and felt “right”. For the next two days I lay horizontally in bed and tried to find positions where I could lie still and not feel any pressure or pain on the right front side of my body in the upper abdomen area. Lying down was only possible on my back with a few pads under my head but also padding for my legs so that they were in a slightly elevated position too! Only in this form was there no pain felt in the right upper side of the abdomen and lower lung area when lying down and I felt relatively well! Getting up was a bit difficult because the muscles in the right upper abdomen were very tense and painful. It was during this movement of lifting the upper body from the lying position that I noticed most clearly that there was an injury. On the third day I drove to the office again. The car ride was interesting in that I hadn't known until then how many parts of the abdominal muscles can tense during a simple activity such as shifting gears! Normally you don't notice this. On that day things also became interesting in terms of new medicine, considering the 5BN: In the office, my back muscles were tense with pain at the level of the lower thoracic vertebrae area (I took a cushion for the office chair for my back on the second day!) On the second day there was no more tension or pain there, but there was tension and pain a little higher up in another place in the thoracic vertebra area. This disappeared on the third day, but appeared in a wider and new location in the thoracic vertebral area. I initially - mistakenly - thought this back tension was a result of the accident, because the front side of the body was injured and the back muscles were probably tense because of the "protective posture" - that was roughly what my first thoughts were about the cause! As the rest of the working day progressed, I began to suspect that this tension and pain were not a result of the accident, but rather biological programs that I had briefly activated and released again, with swelling and tension in the conflict-resolved phase. If I had had tension in the same place for three days, I wouldn't have thought anything else of it. But the fact that one spot was tense on one day and a completely different spot on the second day, and another spot on the third day, was too noticeable after more than 10 years with the 5BN. The tissue of the neumesoderm in the thoracic vertebral area represents not having the space, having to make space for itself in order to be able to do one's job, one's own life's work; where you are hindered by a person who has “jumped on your back and is hindering you”. When reflecting on the initial situation and the conflict-active phase, I quickly found what I was looking for:

After I decided not to go to a doctor or hospital, I spent most of the first two days of sick leave thinking and planning how I could answer both some of my family members and relatives and my colleagues to the inevitable question: whether I would have been examined by a doctor or hospital... I was more prepared for a tougher confrontation. Because these lovely people are all stuck in the old conventional medical thinking; If you are sick or have had an accident, you “go to the doctor”; Thinking in a different direction, “being able to cure yourself while you are sick” was unthinkable for her. The active phase, CA phase, was in principle short: It was a splint or recurrence. Therefore, the matter was less focused on a specific life task, but more in memory of past situations with corresponding discussions where I had been hindered by others in my decisions for “my path”. And today I'm at an age where I no longer need to let others tell me anything. Therefore, the conflict-resolved phase, PCL phase, began immediately when I was back in the office and there was no discussion about whether I had been in the hospital and I answered no. I see the second and third events in the thoracic vertebra area as a result of related telephone calls with family members the day before; The solution came shortly after the phone call or overnight and the conflict-resolved phase the day after. These tension situations only occurred on three days in different places; Afterwards, one area was still slightly tense in certain positions; On the second Saturday I had this vertebral area “set up” by an energetic therapist and manual therapist I knew so that the vertebral bodies and ligaments were in the correct position again. The consequences of the accident were still felt in the fourth week. After a short sneeze in the second week, I imposed an absolute ban on coughing and sneezing (with a little knowledge of 5BN, this wasn't a problem): When I sneezed, the entire area of the upper abdomen became far too tense and painful. In the fourth week there were no more problems with a sneeze. A few situations with the kidney collecting tube program and being left alone/refugee conflict including water retention were felt: Conflict situations are irrelevant for this report; But I could notice that the swelling, in the shape of a flattened dumpling, became a little larger in the right area of the upper abdomen and the area with the bruise on the thigh also became tense! Knowing the 5BN, it was then necessary, as described: to consciously move into a feeling of well-being, well-cared for and safe. The effect was soon felt with a reduction in pain and a little more urine output. I stayed on my back in bed for four weeks; It wasn't until the end of the fourth week that I was able to lie on my stomach and sideways again without any painful or annoying feeling of pressure in my upper abdomen. However, I didn't do “nothing” the entire time: When lying down, relaxation was the order of the day with soft music, even at night. Then I allowed myself to be “pampered” three times with energetic treatments or massages. The first energetic treatment on the first Saturday was just body point work and foot reflexology massage, the second treatment was on the second Saturday back treatment in a sitting position with vertebrae adjustment and foot reflexology massage. The third treatment was the whole body area with the supine position, as lying on the stomach was not yet possible, and of course the foot reflex area again. And the entire time I had the reassuring certainty that my physical condition and therefore the accident-related injuries were improving every day.

Note: No painkilling or anti-inflammatory medications or substances were taken during this time

Case description written by Monika Anzenberger,

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.