(English) GNM testimonial

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Pain in foot when stepping and walking

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
The report is about About a client / patient of me / family member
Gender Female
Handedness Right
Additional methods
Categories Observation of a single SBS run, e.g. one PCL phase (optionally with prediction of PCL duration)
Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...)


A client suddenly developed pain in her right foot on a weekday at her workplace. She could hardly perform for a short time. The pain was on occurrence in the area of the structure of the heel bone and the ankle bone joint. The pain was both on stepping the foot and when the foot was flexed while walking. The pain went away in less than an hour. After that, as before, nothing was felt.
Since the client was somewhat familiar with the five biological laws of nature, she was already aware shortly after the onset of the pain, also due to hints from me in an earlier incident including an explanation on how to deal with it, that she must have found a solution to a conflicting situation.
She tried to remember what situations were before the pain started and what might have been related to it.
Since the area of ​​the heel bone was involved, the situation should have to do with determining their position, their location, as it were "stamping down with the foot, especially with the heel, hard." She quickly found what she was looking for: about an hour earlier, there had been a discussion between her and her boss at her workplace regarding the redesign of a certain work area in "her" office with a change in the layout of the space. Similar situations have happened a few times in the past.
On that day, she had a different opinion on this from her boss, but she was able to clearly state during the course of the conversation that she did not think his idea was practicable for her. And this may have been the conflictive situation. Immediately after the conversation, she had the thought and the feeling that she would still manage to make this work area suitable for herself again. According to her statement, she suspects the solution situation in this reflection of the conversation. The pain started about an hour after the conversation.
After more detailed inquiries - the pain when bending my foot was not yet clear to me - the following came up: When she was no longer in the company the day before, her boss had already spoken to colleagues about change requests. The day after he had gone to this work area and had expressed his desires. She had immediately jumped up from her office chair and walked over to this work area to talk to him about it: The way she jumped up was probably the situation in relation to the ankle tissue structure programs.

For her, the situation with the pain meant that she was in a conflict-resolved phase, a "healing phase", and there was no reason to get upset about the pain because of the pain. With careful handling of the foot - resting for a short while and not straining, then straining again with stepping and walking - this time of the regeneration phase, "healing phase", was easy for her to get through. It was more of a surprise to her, since she would otherwise never have pain in her feet or legs, how intense the pain and walking difficulties were in this very short time and how quickly they could then disappear again.

In a similar report from another dear acquaintance years earlier, the basic situation was similar: there were repeated disagreements in the workplace with the head of the department regarding the areas of work.
Then the boss went on vacation for several weeks. The lady then developed pain in her foot at her place of work in the morning on the day his vacation began. At that time she was not familiar with the five biological laws of nature, the pain was highly conflictive for her. As a result, she activated further programs for the holding, supporting and musculoskeletal system in the foot and leg, topic "not being good with her foot and her leg", which later, when she felt an improvement, was resolved and further pain in the conflict-solved phase: The pain lasted for several weeks. I was able to draw her attention to the situation with the boss because the time when the pain started that morning at work and the start of the boss's vacation was conspicuous.


ccording to the model of the five biological laws of nature, the pain from the structure of the holding, supporting and musculoskeletal system is presented as follows:

The holding, supporting and musculoskeletal system with bones, cartilage, joints, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, blood and lymphatic vessels, striated muscles are the type of tissue based on the embryonic origin of the mesoderm (middle germ layer) and are controlled from the marrow layer in the neubrain; Hence the abbreviated name: "New mesoderm" and typically shown in the graphics with an orange color.
In the active phase, the function slowly decreases over time. The tissues in our body are constantly remodeling. They break down cells and build new cells. The holding, supporting and musculoskeletal system is slowly being adapted to the requirements of holding and supporting the movement.
This conversion process stops when the program is activated, thematically “not being good with this body part”. The function of holding, supporting or moving does not seem to work biologically when the topic of self-devaluation is activated, a slump in self-esteem in a certain part of the body.

Only after the situation has been resolved, after the end of the conflictive situation of self-devaluation, does tissue cell formation begin again (compare the descriptions in Claudio Trupiano's “Thank you, Doctor Hamer”). At the end of such a regeneration process, such a "healing phase", more tissue mass is built up than was present before the start of the program. This regeneration process in the conflict-solved phase, "healing phase", can also be accompanied by pain; but doesn't have to. But there is only pain in the bone, for example, with increased swelling due to the stretching of the periosteum. The advantage of a conflict-solved phase, a regeneration phase, is the knowledge that this period can be intense with strong symptoms and body reactions, but that it only lasts for a limited period of time from the outset.


Case description by Monika Anzenberger

Information on the system of the 5 biological laws of nature - representation of body reactions as adaptation mechanisms to changed life situations as well as repair mechanisms as a trained biological survival strategy in the course of evolution:

Seminars and webinars by Nicolas Barro (nicolasbarro.de) and Marco Pfister
Website www.5bn.de.
David Münnich, "The System of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature" Volume 1 and Volume 2,
as well as film documentation on Youtube and on DVD
Claudio Trupiano, Italian lawyer and 5BN therapist: "Thank you Doctor Hamer".
Mark U. Pfister, 5BN therapist, Italian technical school for the 5BN "Application manual for the five biological laws of nature"
Walter A. Posch: "Allergies - a medical error".
For the introduction: Simona Cella, Marco Pfister, "Illness is something else", introductory booklet on the five biological laws of nature of the Italian study association A.L.B.A. (today: Ass. Saluta Aktiva Onlus)

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.