(English) 5BL report archive

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International collaborative 5BL Testimonial Archive

Here you can find a growing collection of testimonials based on the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine, provided by 5BL practitioners from all around the world. The aim is to provide an english translation for every testimonial in native language.
You can find the contact information of most of the practitioner in the therapists list. My own reports, which were listed on a separate page until June 2021, are now also integrated into the archive.

Please contact me if you want to join and help providing more successful stories or help with the english translation of reports in other languages. Translations into any other languages are also very welcome!
As is it an international collaboration project, the archive can be included in any other 5BL site, too. The USA began this international collaboration by including it on the Germanic Healing Knowledge Global (GHK Global) website, followed by Israel. Other countries and pages are currently checking the technical possibilities.

The reports reflect what has been experienced on the basis of the level of experience and knowledge of the respective author at the time the report was created and, of course, do not guarantee completeness and freedom from errors. So far the following practitioners have participated:

All (221)

Björn Eybl (67)

Ingmar Marquardt (60)

Monika Anzenberger (21)

Bekannte, Freunde ... (8)

Esther S. (6)

Thomas Mühlberger (6)

Petra Friedrich (5)

Hardy Neumann (4)

Magdalena F (4)

Olga Bryukhanova (4)

Andi Locke Mears (4)

Thorsten Rüffer (4)

Nadya Molchanova (4)

Stephen Coleman (3)

Fabian Günther (3)

Michael J. Schulze (2)

Sybille Koopmann (2)

Mayk Soike (2)

Benedikt Zeitner (2)

Jorge Malheiro (2)

Mara F (2)

Frank Schwerdtfeger (1)

Gabriëlle Rutten (1)

Axel Dörr-Lintl (1)

Katrin Neubert (1)

Eva Hettich (1)

Vladislav Nichiporov (1)

DateAuthorTitle and OverviewKeywords

I have known for years that an important update to a software would be required at some point. I had prepared everything for this, except for the outsourcing of texts to so-called properties files for translations. This work has been left undone for more than 5 years and meant days of mindless searching, copying and pasting.
Congratulations to a friend of one of our course participants (with a successful allergy resolution). Together they were able to find the cause of her intolerance and resolve it too! Congratulations and thank you very much for sharing this valuable experience!

In this experience report video, our course participant talks about his successful resolution of a horse hair allergy based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. For 35 years he had severe symptoms on contact with horse hair and was able to find and resolve the causal situation! Congratulations and thank you very much for sharing this valuable experience!

In this testimonial video, our course participant talks about his successful resolution of dust and pollen allergies based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. For over 30 years, his nose had been continuously closed, and for several months now he has finally been able to breathe and smell through it again! Congratulations and a thousand thanks for sharing this valuable experience!




We were on an excursion at lunchtime when suddenly a jet fighter flew relatively low over us with an enormous noise. Our son got a huge fright and was totally terrified for 20 minutes...
Three occurrences of a plug in the right ear canal due to loud tantrums/screaming of children.
After two years abroad, the young woman returned to Germany, which was very difficult for her, as she felt absolutely powerless to return to Germany: arguments with her parents, no apartment, no partner, no job - this situation represented a conflict of powerlessness for her...
Thyroid excretory ducts, gill arch ducts
In this testimonial video, Tanja talks about her successful resolution of hay fever / allergic rhinitis based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. This has existed for three years since 2019 and has now been absent for the last two years. Congratulations and a thousand thanks for sharing this valuable experience (in german, but you can activate english subtitles)!

Allergy, hayfever
Formation of small brown spots on the breast due to a mother's rough, painful breastfeeding experiences. And disappearance of these due to later, more pleasant experiences.
Once in my life, 20 years ago, I had left-sided epididymitis. As the report from many years ago somehow got lost, I'm posting it again now.
Another apparent injury that, without knowledge of the 5BN, would be misinterpreted as pure overload (and therefore often misinterpreted by athletes as "I'm getting old" / "I'm rusting").
This video is about the causal event that led to "hay fever" and the various food allergies that gradually built on this. And, of course, the resolution by recognizing the causal connections! Congratulations on the successful resolution and many thanks for sharing this wonderfully instructive experience report (in german, but you can activate english subtitles)!

Everyone who has a little to do with the 5BN/GNM knows this: You ask the person affected whether a solution / a relief was perceived shortly before the onset of PCLA symptoms and the answer is first: "There was nothing". For this I could make an interesting observation with myself: ...
Intellectual self-devaluation conflict
Gunter speaks in this testimonial video about his successful resolutions of various suture intolerances (gluten, various meats, tomatoes, peanuts, raisins, and more) based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature. Congratulations and thank you very much for this wonderful report!

Track, resolving allergies, resolving intolerances
Three years ago, the mother washed cloth diapers full of pee again and again and was disgusted by the touch on the one hand, on the other hand she did not want this situation with the children. It developed extremely dry, cracked and painful skin on the outside of the hands. Recently, there was a similar situation again, according to which the symptom reappeared within hours and was therefore very well verified.

A good friend and I had opinions and positions during the Corona period that could not have been more different. However, since we had not seen each other for more than a year during that time, we arranged to meet a few months later (winter 2021). At that time, his wife was pregnant. ...
"Indigestable anger" conflict, ileum, lower small intestine
Just before our vacation trip this year, we found two half-dead garden sleeper babies on our doorstep (see photos). We took them in and cared for them. Our son experienced two self-esteem collapses when one animal died unexpectedly in his left hand during a car ride - and additionally when the second animal later jumped and escaped from the same hand.

This was the most intense and obvious conflict activity that we could observe in our son so far on the basis of the compulsive thinking. We were glad to be able to proceed in such a targeted way to lead the SBS so quickly - and therefore so unproblematically - through the conflict-resolved phase.

Dermatitis, skin rash

The present case - documented with video excerpts - is about a 7-year-old boy with two phases of different tics or twitching. At the age of 5, he had a tic for about a month, during which he would always bend his knees a bit and tighten his arms. At 7, he had another tic for two months where he always extended both arms at the same time.
Tics, twitching, motor constellation
Sima talks about her successful resolutions of her birch pollen and cat hair allergies based on the 5 Biological Laws of Nature in this testimonial video. Congratulations and thank you very much for this nice report!

Track, resolving allergies
In this testimonial video, Bianca explains how she successfully resolved her grass pollen allergy during the course with knowledge of 5BL! Congratulations and thank you very much for this beautiful report 🙂

grass pollen allergy, hay fever
This is an experience report from our family from the summer of 2022. In the boy's school, every child in the first grade was supposed to prepare and give a presentation. For him, this was a huge challenge in the new class and he worried about it slightly for weeks or even months and kept putting it off.
Prediction, territorial-fear conflict, cough
These are the testimonials (in short) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video.

Track, resolving allergies
These are the testimonials (in brief) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english subtitles).

Track, resolving allergies
These are the testimonials (in brief) about the next six successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english subtitles).

Track, resolving allergies
At the age of 7, the boy's mother died, activating one or more right-brain territorial area conflicts. Harmonious sounding music was now played to the relatives for consolation, which was now linked as a track with this bad situation and the activated special programs. From then on, this kind of music triggered immediate depression through right-brain activation. By understanding the causal connections, this track could be decoupled and resolved in adulthood.
Music allergy, track, territorial areas, scale, depression
These are the testimonials (in brief) of the first seven successfully resolved allergies of the participants of our practice course "Resolving Allergies". The reports are available as text and video (the video is in german, but has english and spanish subtitles):

Track, resolving allergies
For 20 years, there have been several situations in his life when he has reacted with epilepsy-like symptoms: First, when he has been frightened. Second, when he has felt strong emotions such as fear, sadness, fatigue or even euphoria. And, interestingly, also and especially strongly when the hamstring reflex test was performed during examinations. Once the causative event was found 20 years ago, the symptoms could be successfully resolved afterwards.
An 11-year-old boy shared a room with his big brother and reacted in this context with a territorial marking conflict with bed-wetting as a consequence. By understanding the cause, a real solution was quickly and easily found here by finally giving the boy his own room. From now on, the bed-wetting disappeared.
Massive symptoms in the context of the corona crisis with cause in the compulsory masking measures and orthodox medical "Covid-19" diagnosis.
The symptoms appeared in the context of the Corona crisis, with cause in the division of society. With precisely predicted duration of symptoms and epi-crisis.
10 years ago, the now 35-year-old had a boss who bullied his employees wherever he could. There she reacted with the SBS of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube on the left, so she had to "listen to get rid of the danger/the predator/...", which happened daily at work at that time. Years later, when this one suddenly surprised her by phone and wanted to hire her again, she made it clear that she will NEVER work for him again and she never wants to hear him again, which led to the resolution of this old massive conflict. The now following 3 weeks duration of the severe symptoms could be accurately predicted.
Funny, because directly related to my work on “Disease is Different”: In March 2018, I noticed that my coccyx, the lowest bony end of the spine, hurt when pressed while sitting in a chair. As the days passed, the pain got worse and lasted for 8 weeks.
Ms. M sang a lullaby to her 4-year-old son in November 2018 – her voice was fully functional. The next song she sang normally for the first couple of minutes, and then her voice suddenly disappeared.
The young woman had a menstrual cycle-linked string on the heart for several months. The last occurrence could be accurately predicted as such in terms of time, because the rhythm had been precisely analyzed and the underlying loss of territory topic had been concluded - and no further recurrences were to be expected.
Mr. R was middle-aged and woke up on Wednesday, 10/17/2018, with a slight hearing loss in his left ear: he could clearly notice that all lower frequencies were no longer perceptible. There was also a deep, clearly noticeable tinnitus sound. The symptoms lasted two and a half days.
Years of chronic pain in both arms. The cause of the initial SBS was a bad breakup. Through a later new partnership the SBS went into solution. From then on a vicious circle of pain and local follow-up conflicts began. Only by realizing one's own responsibility could a successful strategy be implemented to break out of the vicious circle.
A couple has come together firmly via the touch on a fingertip. When the man had to go away shortly afterwards, he associated this as a strong separation conflict at this point. Shortly after they saw each other again after a few days, he suddenly got massive pain on exactly this finger - as if someone had hit it with a hammer.
The affected woman had a coffee allergy for about 15 years. Almost immediately after drinking coffee or eating food containing coffee, very severe stomach pain with nausea occurred, which lasted up to several hours. By researching the causes, the allergy was subsequently successfully resolved completely and permanently.
Since childhood, the affected woman has repeatedly suffered from severe unpleasant painful and itchy reddenings of the skin, and in this context, received various diagnoses such as eczema, neurodermatitis, allergy to wool / dyes / chlorine / sun, … Immediately after she was proposed to, a particularly strong final conflict resolved phase with strong symptoms followed.
A young woman could not drink apple juice or eat apples for many years because she reacted with diarrhea as a direct result. By knowing the cause, the allergy could be resolved with a simple experiment.
Territory marking conflict on vacation when the cleaning lady entered the couple's room and bedroom in the morning without notice. Since then, daily reactivation of SBS with numbness of the bladder mucosa in the room - and resolution with hypersensitivity as soon as they left the room.
Prediction of a single epileptic seizure in a two-year-old boy, based on observation of the behavior of the conflict active phase of the associated special program.
Resolution of my dust mite allergy with allergic asthma, which has been with me more or less intensive since babyhood for almost 30 years.

Track, asthma, resolving allergies
A long-term series of witch hazes and back pain as a result of years of pain in the arms and associated perceived "failure" in key areas of life. Ending a vicious cycle of localized subsequent conflict and back pain correctly predicted years in advance.

Successful conscious resolution of an allergy to black pepper that had existed for more than 40 years. Just by knowing the cause and becoming aware that the danger of that time is no longer present and the linking of the track is no longer necessary.
Defilement issue on thumb due to fecal contact while changing toddler.

The client reacted with the bronchial mucosa as a result of a "fright" accident experience and experienced severe "bronchitis" after conflict resolution. By knowing the exact cause, the duration of the symptoms could be accurately determined and predicted.
Severe bladder infection after acoustic borderline assault in dormitory. Two-phase very well comprehensible.

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.